Time to pay government in Nolambur.
Property Tax assessment in going on in the Panchayat office (Phone: 044-26535333).
Please submit your document and get your property assessed.
The office is open between 10am and 2 pm (Govt office!!!, You know how it works, right?)
The office is close to the elementary school in Nolambur.
Location: Click Link : http://maps.google.co.in/maps?hl=en&q=nolambur&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl
Hi, I was considering one of the DABC apartments. But, after reading your blog having second thoughts. It sounds like you do not recommend.
ReplyDeleteBad raods
Brown water
No Hospitals nearby
Rainwater clogging
Seweage disposal problems